About Me: Religious Sister - Secretary of TRADA Integrated Rehabilitation Centre for Addicts and Principal of TRADA Institute of Social Sciences - Educationist - Research Guide (PhD guide to Martin Luther Christian University, Shillong) - Member of Central Education Board (CEB) of Christian Medical Association of India, New Delhi - Philanthropist - Veteran Social Worker in the field of Addiction treatment, prevention and rehabilitation - Author of 20 books in Counselling, Addiction and family both in English and Mala
Website: http://www.tradakottayam.in/testimonials/joanchunkapura/
Specialization: Specialized in Addiction Treatment from Minnesota. Training in Family Therapy from Florida, USA. Trained in Advanced Psychotherapies from Maryland, USA.
Degree: PhD in Clinical Psychology from the University of Delhi.
Certifications: Certified Addiction Treatment Counsellor from Minnesota, USA
Special Interest: Helping families, youth, and children psycho-spiritually. Convention speaker nationally and internationally. Presenting papers in Conferences