November 5, 2024
Alphoncy James
What causes pain?
Losses: eg. death of a loved one, loss of a job, a home, relationships, a health illness for yourself or someone close.
These are all big life events!!!!
With each of these life events, emotions of fear, sadness, guilt, shame, anxiety, and/or frustration can be appropriate responses.
Painful life moments are bound to happen. They are a temporary & natural part of life.
- Pain is external. We have no control over it.
- But, Suffering? When our pain starts ruling us that’s when it becomes suffering !!!!
- So where does the suffering come from? From us!!
- We create it!!! Suffering is not meant to be a part of our life.
Negative thoughts grow inside us, whenever we resist reality.
- “Oh, I can’t!!!”
- “Why me!!”
- “Why did this happen to me!!!”
- “Why did he/she treat me like this!!!”
Outcome of Negative Thoughts
- *From a hurtful experience, negative thoughts may start ruling within. You may even start thinking and rehearsing your precise words, actions, and response back- that’s pure suffering!!!!
- *The more you think about it, the more intense the feeling becomes. You become more angry or upset, each time you think about it. You re-live it. And you continue to suffer because you don’t let go.
- *Ruminate- Constantly replaying the negative aspects in your mind, means they greatly increase. These deep negative thoughts can make us miserable.
For example:
Alcoholism is a chronic pain event in our families. But your mental suffering comes from a chain reaction within!!!
Chronic pain leads to negative thoughts & negative self-talk. This leads to more frustration, anxiety, fear, sadness, depression, hopelessness & stress.
Sadly, the pain & symptoms intensify, leading to even greater suffering.
When we don’t accept reality, we struggle resulting in even more suffering. We have 2 simple choices in front of us:
- Accept what’s happening as part of life & release the suffering.
- Hold on to it, create more suffering & stay miserable
I have experienced lots of life losses: husband, relationship, social life, finances, etc. But there’s something that no one could ever take away from me:
That’s my choice of how I respond to my pain!
Here are some techniques to free ourselves from our suffering:
- Relaxation techniques (Google
- Start
writing or journaling (instead of overthinking/re-thinking)
- Acceptance:
- recognize that pain is natural
- it’s my choice how I respond to
the pain
- focus on healing (not on
- Mindfulness: focus on the present
(not on your thoughts & emotions)
- Resilience: building inner
strength & coping mechanisms to help you bounce back. With this small,
conscious, and consistent decision, you will become strong, powerful, and
- Perception: have a broader
perspective on your problem (don’t attach unnecessary meaning to it). Reframe
your thoughts, by applying lessons learned from past life challenges.
- Self-compassion: treat yourself
with kindness, compassion, and understanding during difficult times.
- Create or become part of a trusted
support system.
- Practice gratitude: Name your
blessings daily.
- Set realistic expectations
- Focus Only on what you can control (You!)
Suffering can be modified when we choose to respond differently to our pain. Recovery from any life challenge is gradual, and progressive & it’s an ongoing process.