I would like to briefly share some thoughts about these 3
items as we all deal with it daily, whatever our beliefs or faith is.
We all have 24 hours a day 7 days a week. How much time do
we spend to pray to God the Creator, or whatever is our faith? How much time do
we spend reading the Bible or whatever religious book we believe in? How much
time do we spend to contact our parents and siblings, and to make them happy?
How much time do we spend to visit those who are sick? How much time do we
spend to comfort those who are going through pain?
We all have some talents. How are we using our talents? Are
we using our talents to the maximum to reach a higher goal? Are we using our
talents to help our parents and siblings? Are we using our talents to assist
the needy and poor? We must ask ourselves daily whether we are using our
talents to the fullest extent.
We all have some treasures according to our ability. Are we positively
investing our treasures, or are we wasting our treasurers? Are we
investing our treasurers wisely? How are we using our treasures to support our
parents and siblings? How are we using our treasures to help the poor and needy
compassionately? Are we doing our best to be kind to the less fortunate?
At the end of each day, we can ask ourselves how we spend
our time, talent, and treasures. The saying “Lazy hands make a man poor, but
diligent hands bring wealth” (Bible). Bhagavad Gita teaches us to do our karma
without expecting anything in return. One day we all have to give an account of
our time, talent, and treasurers to our Master and our Creator. How is our
account going to be? I hope those who read this take the thought positively so
that we all can be better human beings. May God the Almighty bless us all.
Thank you.